Sunday, November 14, 2010

LED Tecnology

RCS Industries and Canyon Computer is currently researching LED technologies for the development of a wider array of home lighting choices than are currently available.
While the market has allowed a certain easing of prices on some consumer LED's, the vast majority of what is out there is junk or too expensive to be economically feasable in the short term. And therein lies the rub, i. e. should I wait until the price gets cheaper, or keep paying the high fuel cost, since I probably can't afford the investment right now anyway.
The dust will settle, I just can't tell you exactly when or even where. Anybody telling you anything different is either a liar or stupid or maybe both.
We're researching the Texas Instrument controllers and this seems very promising. The folks at TI have been very generous with their products and knowledge and we will have some data by the end of the year. It is very challenging to have these new goals for a safer environment and greater control of our future as is the promise of widespread LED lighting. This is important, and we do take this challenge seriously.
I will be writing updates and leave Obama alone, (at least for now)

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