Saturday, April 3, 2010

Looks like Obama's at it again

In a long list of stumbles, Obama finally put his face in the asphalt.

Obama criticizes persons for Obeying the law.

What bothers me more is the loss of our funding for the Constellation Program. In my view, this is more important than just about anything. We wouldn't have anything like we have now (good, bad or indifferent) if it weren't for the Apollo Program. So where's the future? In Corporations? I doubt it. It's not proven enough to know if they can make a profit. Who's knows what the insurance cost would be? Or would that be subsidized by the government? Now you're back to square one with even less control than you had before.

Look at how we could make money with an icebase on the moon:


This might happen if we don't:

The cost of losing our edge in space.


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