Thursday, April 8, 2010

Obama ratings drop

Left with a sour economy and and widespread discontentment, Obama rode in on a promise of new hope. I myself was very hopeful after the waning days of the Bush administration. But this hope has been throuugly dashed.
A lack of real leardership and even some kind of real plan has made him a sitting duck for the next round of canidates. But there are two things that we can do, even in this limited republic, i.e. vote him out (that's probaly the only way to really get rid of him), impeach the bastard (takes time) and also vote for the Republican party in the elections coming up this year.
I say do it all. We need to slow him down so he can't do any more damage. Then we might be able to resurrect the Constellation Program, which we've already spent over 11 B dollars on. Not to mention all the suffering of those people invoved with the program. But, they're not from Chicago and I guess he doesn't give a shit.
Well, I give a shit and I'm pissed off, so IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!! and take n pelosi with him.

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